The Valor House Program gave this Navy Veteran the stepping stone he needed for economic stability and safe housing. Stephen had moved into Valor House 5 years ago, homeless, no income, and desperately in need of a fresh state on life. He had learned about The Valor House, homeless housing program for Veterans while staying at The Poverello Center. Stephen was excited to have a fully furnished apartment, with on site case management and staff to help him access Veterans Services. He enrolled in The Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS) and viewed the program as a great opportunity to get back on his feet. The FSS program focuses on assisting participants who have employment goals and helping them create a savings account. Stephen utilized state programs like Experience Works for subsidized employment with positions at The City of Missoula and at Missoula Housing Authority which gave him the much-needed local references to fill the gaps in his resume. Stephen finally obtained employment in the food service industry, which provided stable income, so that he could manage his monthly bills and create a budget. During his time in FSS, Stephen was able to pursue his hobby of fictional writing and volunteering at The Heroes at Home BBQ and VSAP Event. Stephen graduated from FSS with a savings of over $20,000!! For additional information on Valor House, contact The Poverello Center 406-728-1809. For information on The Family Self Sufficiency Program, click here.